Compute ensemble model outputs by summarizing component model outputs for each combination of model task, output type, and output type id. Supported output types include mean, median, quantile, cdf, and pmf.

  weights = NULL,
  weights_col_name = "weight",
  agg_fun = "mean",
  agg_args = list(),
  model_id = "hub-ensemble",
  task_id_cols = NULL



an object of class model_out_tbl with component model outputs (e.g., predictions).


an optional data.frame with component model weights. If provided, it should have a column named model_id and a column containing model weights. Optionally, it may contain additional columns corresponding to task id variables, output_type, or output_type_id, if weights are specific to values of those variables. The default is NULL, in which case an equally-weighted ensemble is calculated.


character string naming the column in weights with model weights. Defaults to "weight"


a function or character string name of a function to use for aggregating component model outputs into the ensemble outputs. See the details for more information.


a named list of any additional arguments that will be passed to agg_fun.


character string with the identifier to use for the ensemble model.


character vector with names of columns in model_outputs that specify modeling tasks. Defaults to NULL, in which case all columns in model_outputs other than "model_id", the specified output_type_col and output_type_id_col, and "value" are used as task ids.


a model_out_tbl object of ensemble predictions. Note that any additional columns in the input model_outputs are dropped.


The default for agg_fun is "mean", in which case the ensemble's output is the average of the component model outputs within each group defined by a combination of values in the task id columns, output type, and output type id. The provided agg_fun should have an argument x for the vector of numeric values to summarize, and for weighted methods, an argument w with a numeric vector of weights. If it desired to use an aggregation function that does not accept these arguments, a wrapper would need to be written. For weighted methods, agg_fun = "mean" and agg_fun = "median" are translated to use matrixStats::weightedMean and matrixStats::weightedMedian respectively.